Made for Each Other – Realistically vs Idealistically
Opposites attract, or so they say. But do they really? The world renown MBTI (Myer-Briggs Type Indicator) portrays each individual as a certain personality type after a series of approximately 90 questions. First of all, if I could tell what kind of person you were in 90 questions, then I wouldn’t play the “20 questions” game anymore. Second of all, since these 90 questions are able to map out a person’s personality, or so they say, that means there are only 90 dimensions to a person, which A) Makes humans actually quite simple B) Implies only 90 distinct situations for a person to ever face a dilemma (Everything else is just a variation), and C) Renders quantum physics totally useless. I don’t know about you but I cannot fathom nor bend my mind around the idea of 90 dimensional space.
However, that’s not the main thing we’re concerned about. We’re talking about opposites attracting. In an earlier article we specified that there are 16 Myer-Briggs personality types. We also found through tedious and difficult calculations that a person will on average find 8.36 chances in love in a lifetime.
I avoided rounding down last time, but say we did. We would have 8.
So now we have the two numbers of 16 personality types and 8 chances. 16...8...16...8...Connection? Through complicated arithmetic methods and high level math, we will induce the fact, under several baseless assumptions, that we should divide the two numbers.
16/8 = 2.
2...2...2...In case you are number impaired, 2 is the number representation of what we would call in English, “a pair”.
We shall now notice (Note to the reader: Even if you don’t notice, pretend.), that the concept of opposites also follows the basis of “pairs”. Very convenient.
Since we have 16 MBTI types, splitting them into pairs would find all our opposites, and we will approach this systematically.
This is where I introduce the computer term of a “Hamming distance”. (Reference for the knowledge impaired:
Now let’s take all our Myer-Briggs personality divisions.
E = Extrovert
I = Introvert
S = Sensing
N = Intuition
T = Thinking
F = Feeling
J = Judging
P = Perceiving
These are also conveniently paired up for us by the Myer-Briggs system.
E & I
S & N
T & F
J & P
If we allow the first letter of each grouping to have a binary value of 0, and the second letter to have a binary value of 1, we can compute our Hamming Distance, given the following personality types:
SP Types: (aka The Artisan)
ESTP (0001), ISTP (1001), ESFP (0011), ISFP (1011)
SJ Types: (aka The Guardian)
ESTJ (0000), ISTJ (1000), ESFJ (0010), ISFJ (1010)
NF Types: (aka The Idealist)
ENFJ (0110), INFJ (1110), ENFP (0111), INFP (1111)
NT Types: (aka The Rationalist)
ENTJ (0100), INTJ (1100), ENTP (0101), INTP (1101)
Now in order to find our “opposites” we will need to compute the Hamming distance of each pair, where our desired Hamming distance will be 4. In case you were too lazy to read the wiki reference, in short, Hamming distance is how “different” each binary value is to another. For every digit in the number that is different to the one it’s being compared to, you give an equivalent value of Hamming distance. So for example, the Hamming distance between 1000 and 0001 is 2, because they differ in two locations. (No worries, knowledge deficiency is a curable disease)
Since charts are a hassle and finding the pairing possibilities of 16 different elements is a hassle, I’ll just give you the Hamming distance and organize them conveniently into pairs for you.
We eventually find through my work and none of yours that we can pair the personality types as follows:
ESTP (0001) & INFJ (1110)
ISTP (1001) & ENFJ (0110)
ESFP (0011) & INTJ (1100)
ISFP (1011) & ENTJ (0100)
ESTJ (0000) & INFP (1111)
ISTJ (1000) & ENFP (0111)
ESFJ (0010) & INTP (1101)
ISFJ (1010) & ENTP (0101)
Now to the main course. Realistically versus Idealistically, if you ended up with someone of the “supposed” best match, what would life be like?
ESTP (0001) & INFJ (1110)
The ESTP is described as a person who’s good at on-the-spot problem solving. They’re active people and enjoy anything that comes by. They tend to like mechanical things and sports. They are adaptable, tolerant, pragmatic, and focused on getting results. They dislike long explanations, are best with real things that can be worked, handled, taken apart, or put together.
The INFJ succeeds by perseverance, originality, and desire to do whatever is needed of wanted. They put their best efforts into anything they do. They are quietly forceful, conscientious, and concerned for others, all the while they are respected for their firm principles. An INFJ is likely to be honoured and followed for the clear visions as to how best to serve the common good.
The ESTP is described as a person who’s good at lying to you when they need to get out of a tight spot. They have extreme ADD and even if they’re walking down the street with you, they won’t hesitate to check out and look at other women or men (depending what gender you are, assuming you’re straight). They tend to like cars and would probably ditch you if a sports game ticket of any kind was included. They are easy to push around, but not fun to bully, perfectly fine knowing that some things are impossible, and don’t care how they get it, but want to get laid. They dislike you talking, and would prefer that you are a robot that they can do maintenance on.
The INFJ succeeds by nagging, clever nagging, and annoying nagging. They put their best efforts into being better than you. They are the type that can scare you with a glare, make sure you’re scared, and then console you when they’ve had their share of fun, all the while being respected out of fear of the iron fist. An INFJ is likely to be honoured and followed for the Hitler-like clarity and charisma as to how to serve the common good...of themselves.
Idealistically Together:
Anything the INFJ wants to do on an impulse can be figured out by the ESTP. If the INFJ wants to go to the mall, the ESTP will find a way. If the INFJ wants to get gas, the ESTP will find a way. However when it comes down to their hobbies, the ESTP may not always gets to do the things that it wants to do, because a lack of principles versus the INFJ’s firm principles. This is a relationship where there will be a clearly dominant character, most likely the INFJ due to their outlook and natural tendencies. However because of the ESTP’s tolerance and the INFJ’s concern for others, there will be little to no discord in the relationship.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: Moderate.
Realistically Together:
Whoever is the ESTP in the relationship will receive my utmost pity. You are dominated, controlled, and whipped. However you can’t get out of it because the INFJ will bug you when you don’t want to listen to it, you’ll end up impulsively coming up with a lie, but it will be seen through by the INFJ’s clear vision. The ESTP will suffer, but yet at the same time from their standpoint they won’t mind, because they are extremely tolerant. The INFJ will beat you around like a rag doll and have loads of fun while the ESTP plays the part of a rag doll in a pathetic Shakespeare-like sadistic comedy.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: Terrible for the ESTP. Loads of fun for the INFJ.
ISTP (1001) & ENFJ (0110)
The ISTP is a cool onlooker. The ISTP is quiet, reserved, observing, and analyzes life with detached curiosity and unexpected flashes of original humour. They are usually interested in the causes and the effects, how and why mechanical things work, and in organizing facts using logical principles. They excel at getting to the core of a practical problem and finding the solution.
The ENFJ feels real concern for what others think of want, and try to handle things with due regard for the other’s feelings, and can present a proposal or lead a group discussion with ease and tact. They are sociable, popular, sympathetic, as well as responsive to praise and criticism. They like to facilitate others and enable people to achieve their potential.
The ISTP is the guy leaning on that railing with sunglasses. He’s the wise snappy person that appears in every movie that says one or two lines but somehow appears everywhere, anywhere, and at anytime in all possibilities. You think you know what’s up, but the ISTP is tricky, and just when you think you got it, he tells you you’re wrong and corrects you in a manner that sounds purely amazing using the ultimate logic also known as BS. However, his advice always works.
The ENFJ cares. No pretending. The ENFJ weaves his words so well you’ll be following him without knowing. They’ll talk, but they talk so well, you could’ve sworn he was puking gold nuggets. However, despite being incredibly caring, amazingly sociable and talkative, if you ignore the ENFJ, it’ll break. The ENFJ revolves around you. The ENFJ is like the real American Uncle Sam. He wants YOU, to fulfill your the army.
Idealistically Together:
The ENFJ and ISTP will get along, but nothing will happen. In fact, the lack of complementary natures between the two will actually create some discord. The ENFJ will try to evaluate relationship problems when there originally is none, while the ISTP will try to solicit the ENFJ into talking about what’s on the ENFJ’s mind, which is very little. There will be little interaction and conversation between the two and the ENFJ will feel a bit neglected.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: Below average. This relationship will degrade until a mutual separation is agreed upon.
Realistically Together:
The ENFJ understands the ISTP even when he talks in riddles, incorrect Yoda-like grammar, circles, loops, squares, and many other types of polygonal methods of riddling and talking, because the ENFJ is a talker, and is practiced in the Art of Talking. There will be plenty of chemistry between the two. The ENFJ will be able to communicate serious or fun matters to the ISTP, while the ISTP will be able to insert wise and witty remarks to liven up the conversation as well as keep it going.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: Talkative. The Government has recently funded a project to fund these couples with a special sign to warn by-passers: “Warning: Lots of talking. Wear earplugs.”
ESFP (0011) & INTJ (1100)
ESFPs are outgoing, accepting, friendly, enjoy everything, and make things more fun for others by their enjoyment. They like action and making things happen. They know what’s going on and always join in eagerly. They also find that remembering facts is easier than mastering theories, and are best in situations that need sound common sense and practical ability with people.
The INTJ are people who have original minds and great drive for their own ideas and purpose. They have long-range vision and quickly find meaningful patterns in external events. In fields that appeal to them, they have a fine power to organize a job and carry it through. Their traits include being skeptical, critical, independent, determined, and having high standards of competence and performance.
ESFPs are the playmakers. They’re like real life Trivial Pursuit. Even though the ESFP may throw questions and trivia you wouldn’t know even if you used all three of your Who Wants to Be a Millionaire lifelines, you’ll laugh anyways and still be having fun, because the ESFP is so adept at making things fun that you will even openly accept that you’re an idiot for not knowing that it is the Moon and not the Elephant that revolves around the Earth. (Author’s note: Popular incident on the TV Show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” where the contestant could not answer a question about what object revolved around the Earth.) However, even if you don’t answer the ESFPs questions, the ESFP will answer his own questions, because he saw you having so much fun that he wanted to join in too.
The INTJ are people who come up with amazingly random stuff and have an incredible determination to make it happen. They are mental snipers, and can guess what you’re going to say next based on which birds flew by in the last 10 minutes. In fields that apply to them, they have a fine power to telepathically control others’ minds so the job gets done. They are skeptical, critical, independent, and determined because they can read your mind and know what’s really going on in your head. They also have a superiority complex because they think they were born with special powers.
Idealistically Together:
The INTJ will know his or her own purpose, while the ESFP will constantly want to join in. However, the INTJ usually never believes nor trusts the ESFP since the ESFP bases most decisions and comments on common sense, while the INTJ is more likely to evaluate the situation for an answer. They will not get along, but the ESFP will think otherwise. This relationship would not get very far.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: This is like one of those “dog and master” relationships. The INTJ is the master, the ESFP is the dog.
Realistically Together:
The ESFP is like the INTJ’s personal entertainer. The ESFP is full of so much information that in the course of entertaining the INTJ, the INTJ will suddenly undergo a revelation, and have a sudden burst of inspiration, and will leave the ESFP in the dust. However, the ESFP will continue to say entertaining facts, and then after he notices that he has no audience, he’ll put on a one person play where he is both the host and the audience, because he thought being an audience member would add more fun.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: The ESFP is like the Royalty’s greatest jester. Also dismissible at any time.
ISFP (1011) & ENTJ (0100)
The ISFP is retiring, quietly friendly, sensitive, kind, and modest about their abilities. They shun disagreements, and do not force their opinions or values on others. ISFPs usually do not care to lead but are often loyal followers. They are often relaxed about getting things done because they enjoy the present moment and do not want to spoil it by undue haste of exertion.
ENTJs are frank, decision leaders in activities. They develop and implement comprehensive systems to solve organizational problems. They are good in anything that requires reasoning and intelligent talk, such as public speaking, and are usually well informed and enjoy adding to the fund of knowledge.
The ISFP is a nice person, and also very chill. They could probably move a mountain if it was in your way, but it would take so painstakingly long you would just walk around, but the ISFP is okay with that too, because they’re chill people. Popular locations to go ISFP-watching include all places labelled as a “resort” by public demand.
ENTJs are really bossy. Even still, they’ll blow your mind as to how well they can get the work done if you ask them about it. In other words, they’ve got a computer, and they know how to use Microsoft Excel. They just got this huge Excel Spreadsheet and plug in numbers and they can tell you the answer. Looks amazing, but they themselves know they wish they were better.
Idealistically Together:
The greatest team. The ISFP is able to follow directions correctly and that makes the ENTJ happy. However, the ENTJ is so focused and content with doing work that he won’t notice the ISFP as a partner in love, but more as a colleague. On the other hand, the ISFP will kindly make great contributions to the ENTJ’s work, and is also content in doing so, but will always secretly desire to be more noticed.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: One-sided.
Realistically Together:
A typical conversation between an ISFP and an ENTJ would just be a string of uh’s, uhm’s, hm’s, and all other “filler” words. The ISFP will also be blushing this entire time while the ENTJ can’t wait to get back to the Bat Lair...aka the computer lab. Eventually after a very long silence, the ENTJ will ask for a number, the ISFP will be flustered, and once the ENTJ returns home, he’ll add the number to his database of 9000 other numbers.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: One-sided and absolutely lacking in any chemistry whatsoever.
ESTJ (0000) & INFP (1111)
The ESTJ is practical, realistic, and matter-of-fact, with a natural head for business or mechanics. They are not interested in abstract theories and want learning to have direct and immediate application. They like to organize and run activities and often make good administrators. They are decisive, and are quick to implement decisions and take care of routine details.
INFPs are quiet observers, idealistic, and loyal. They find it important that outer life be congruent with inner values. They are curious and quick to see possibilities, and often serve as catalysts to implement ideas. They are adaptable, flexible, and accepting unless a value is threatened. They want to understand people and the ways of fulfilling human potential. They have little concern with possessions or surroundings.
The ESTJ has an incredibly thick skull. They are not interested in things where they have to bend their mind, because they can’t, because their skull takes up too much room for any bending to occur. They want everything straight. In a line. Forward. They are good at getting the kids to play Capture the Flag and make good parents. However, they know when things go wrong, and won’t hesitate to drop down the discipline hammer. They’ll listen to your fabricated BS story later.
INFPs are shy. So incredibly shy. However they have their personal set of Commandments that no one can break. They are like a Jedi’s teacher, as well as a Jedi in themselves. They would be good educators.
Idealistically Together:
The ESTJ and INFP lack a common ground in thinking. Where the ESTJ wants to be practical, the INFP is idealistic. Where the ESTJ is matter-of-fact, the INFP will refuse to do or believe something if it infringes on their values. The only thing these two have going for them would be on the free-thinking level where the INFP has great ideas and the ESTJ can carry them through.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: Perfect...if you plan on running a corporate level super-company where you need an accomplice.
Realistically Together:
This relationship is solid, as long as it’s based around the kids. The more kids the better, because the ESTJ loves kids, and so does the INFP. This is a very old-fashioned relationship though (the stereotypical one that feminists get oh-so-offended by nowadays), where one stays home as the house manager, and the other does all the salary work. One of them comes home and it’s “Welcome home darling, how was your day”, and the other responds “I’m gonna watch TV, tell me when dinner’s done”.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: Makes a good family, but not great if it doesn’t reach family status.
ISTJ (1000) & ENFP (0111)
People of the ISTJ type are serious, quiet, and earn success by concentration and thoroughness. They are practical, orderly, matter-of fact, logical, realistic, and dependable. They see to it that everything is well organized and take responsibility. They make up their own minds as to what should be accomplished and work toward it steadily, regardless of protests or distractions.
The ENFP type is warmly enthusiastic, high-spirited, ingenious, and imaginative. They are able to do almost anything that interests them. They are quick with a solution for any difficulty and are ready to help anyone with a problem. ENFPs often rely on their ability to improvise instead of preparing in advance, and can usually find compelling reasons for whatever they want.
People of the ISTJ most likely have small eyes, because of squinting too much due to concentration. They are perfectionists and have binoculars for eyes to make sure that everything is squared away to an accuracy of hundredths of a millimetre. They make up their owns minds as to what should be square and what should be circular, and will begin shaping the clay in such a way they see fit, regardless of what Simon Cowell or a resident home designer says.
The ENFP type is cuddly, and likes to think of different ways to cuddle. They’ll find ways to cuddle in the most impossible ways. If your teddy bear is missing, the ENFP will be able to solve the issue in a matter of seconds through improvisation of a new cuddling method with either a new toy, or even themselves. They can usually find compelling reasons to cuddle as well. The ENFP is a living teddy bear.
Idealistically Together:
The level these two complement each other is beyond the charts; to infinity and beyond another infinity. The ISTJ is a responsible and dependable character while the ENFP can easily motivate themselves and others, as well as helps other with their issues. There is very little discord in this relationship and will mostly be all smiles. Almost too much smiling. Just pray you both have good looking teeth.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: Lots of chemistry for an ENFP & ISTJ couple.
Realistically Together:
The ENFP’s methods of cuddling will be limited to basic geometric shapes due to the ISTJ’s nature, however, the ENFP is bound to find a way around this. The ENFP will redefine the ways people have viewed squares and circles and will eventually invent the Art of Cuddling. Quite like the Kama Sutra just not as graphic.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: Although the ISTJ will be hard to work with, the ENFP will make it happen.
ESFJ (0010) & INTP (1101)
The ESFJ is warm-hearted, talkative, popular, conscientious, and are born co-operators and committee members. They need harmony and may be good at creating it. They are always doing something nice for someone and work best with encouragement and praise. Their main interest is in things that directly and visibly affect people’s lives.
INTP are quiet and reserved, and especially enjoy theoretical or scientific pursuits, like solving problems with logic and analysis. They are interested mainly in ideas, with little liking for parties or small talk. They tend to have sharply defined interests and need careers where some strong interest can be used and useful.
The ESFJ is an attention whore. However they don’t revolve around attention and can live during the attention drought seasons still. The ESFJ may be a narcissist, but a good one, who finds gratification in helping others. In loving others, the ESFJ will love itself more, because it feels it deserves the love for being so good at helping.
The INTP are like the quiet geniuses. They don’t care about what you ate for dinner, or what’s “hot” and what is “so 5 minutes ago”. Rather they are more interested in what is “so 5 minutes from now”. Their common hobbies include occult divination because predicting the future is serious business.
Idealistically Together:
Although the ESFJ may not be on par with the INTP on levels of thought, the INTP will motivate the ESFJ to step it up, and ultimately the ESFJ will seek to be able to help the INTP in all matters that the INTP thinks of. This will be a good relationship where each complements each other well and causes the other to strive for greater heights.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: More like a rivalry, but hey, things could happen.
Realistically Together:
Although the ESFJ may try to help the INTP in all cases possible, the ESFJ is ultimately useless, because first of all, the ESFJ has no future telling talents, and second of all, because the INTP doesn’t really need any help, because the INTP is just that pro. The ESFJ will be like the jumping chimpanzee at the zoo that strives for attention.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: Depressing for the ESFJ. The INTP couldn’t care a penny’s worth though.
ISFJ (1010) & ENTP (0101)
The ISFJ is quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious. They work devotedly to meet their obligations and lend stability to any project or group. They are thorough, painstaking, and accurate. Their interests are usually not technical. They are also patient with necessary details. They are loyal, considerate, perceptive, and concerned with how other people feel.
ENTPs are quick, ingenious, and good at many things. They are stimulating company and are alert and outspoken. They may argue for fun on either side of a question. They are resourceful in solving new and challenging problems, but may neglect routine assignment. They are apt to turn to one new interest after another, and are skilful in finding logical reasons for what they want.
The ISFJ just slaves away at work. They are like the pyramid builders the Egyptians employed. They have to make sure they place every block in the right spot, otherwise the people who plan and overlook the project will whip them and take away their daily meal of a bread slice and two drops of water. However, they need to do it for minimum wage to feed themselves and their family. Good thing all of this doesn’t apply to the modern age. In the modern age, the ISFJ ... refer to above.
The ENTP is like a Martian, or a genetically modified child. It’s not possible for someone to be good at so many things. ENTPs secretly hold various cult secrets, and are probably not from this planet. They are here to kill some Aliens as spending their leisure time. They like playing and messing with the heads of homo sapiens. ENTPs also have cultural and mental issues, as all the other 15 personality types would not find it reasonable, understandable, or common sense to argue on both sides of an argument. They also have the most prominent issue of ADD, as they will turn to one new interest after another, and are skilful in finding logical reasons for what they want.
Idealistically Together:
The ISFJ and ENTP are a rough match and a tough call. They can either be full complementary, or absolutely in discord. Where the ENTP overlooks minute details, the ISFJ may pick them up. Where the ISFJ maybe not have technical interests, the ENTP may be able to patch them up. There may be sufficient emotional conduct between the two, or it may degrade to a polar opposite extremity.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: Risky. Extremely risky. It’s safer to mug a SWAT officer.
Realistically Together:
The ENTP is the reason why communism exists. They gave the slaves technologies out of this world, and then the slaves gained enough power to overthrow the aristocratic level of society. The ENTP is why the world is messed up, and the ISFJ acts as the ENTP’s catalyst to mess up the world even further. In short, they are accomplices in crime.
The Going Nowhere Relationship Rating: Teamwork to achieve great things...for the two of them and terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE things for the rest.
And there you have it. The evaluation of opposites. Now the question you will have to ask yourself is despite the fact that holistically some if not all of the situations do not appeal, they somehow work out in real life. So do not let this discourage any of you. Cause you still have 7.36 chances remaining.
For the books, I have taken this test twice because of some twisted fate and I am an ENTP.
For additional reference you may want to read:
Thursday, January 29, 2009
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