Thursday, April 11, 2013

Words of Wisdumb - The Chinese "Bro"

Do all the Chinese in your community know each other? Is there never a shortage of grandmas whom you need to watch your manners around...each time you visit your Chinese friend's house? Maybe you're the guy who dated the exotic asian babe in school, only to find out later from her that she's related to the school's biggest geek through a relationship that confused you by the time her explanation went from mothers and fathers to the "great granduncle, in town for only a visit, who saved a beautiful young maiden from a pack of hungry wolves when she strayed too far from home and they ended up having a lovechild before marrying their arranged spouses, whom both coincidentally died of an illness when news got out that the great granduncle's younger brother encountered the same experience with the prior beautiful maiden's younger sister but was an upcoming civil servant SO HAPPILY EVER AFTER".


None of this would be strange or foreign if you knew that the formal title which males use to address other males in China directly translates to "bro".


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