Monday, March 29, 2010

Friendship Agreement

Friendship Agreement

This agreement is made as of the 29th day of March, 2009.


(the "Individual")


(the "Anomaly")


A. A bond of friendship will be kept between Individual and Anomaly if and only if the terms listed in this contract are followed.
B. A bond of friendship will be broken, with penalty, if the terms are not properly followed.

This agreement is hereby witness to:

A. The terms - considers the requirements necessary for the Anomaly to remain as a friend of the Individual.

B. Services - considers all actions the Individual expects from the Anomaly.

C. Compensation - considers all returns and payments towards the Anomaly by the Individual if the terms and services of this contract are followed

D. Terms of Cancellation - considers the punishment of each respective party should the contract be violated after approval or before an arbitrary Termination Date.

Section A - Terms

1. The Anomaly must not expand their body mass pass a certain weight threshold.

2. The Anomaly must not expand their body mass such that their physical image is no longer "pretty" (As defined by the Individual).

Section B - Services

1. Anomaly must endure...
a. Excessive compliments.

b. Sexism.

c. Critically impaired judgement.

2. Anomaly must accept...
a. All sincere invitations to play Defense of the Ancients.

Section C - Compensation

In return, the Individual must compensate, by the terms of the contract, to the Anomaly, a value of at least three (3) pieces of currency (as defined in (1) of this section) per game of Defense of the Ancients.

1. Whereas currency is the amount of sacrificial hero deaths.

Section D - Violation

In the event that this contract is breached without prior warning from the Anomaly, accepted by the Individual, the Anomaly is thereby subject to the following fines.

1. The delivery of a personally hand-made Sandwich to the Individual.

a. Whereas a Sandwich is defined as "Bread, Ham, Lettuce, Tomato, Bread", with other optional elements included.

IN ACCORDANCE WITH the Individual and Anomaly having both read through and agreeing with all statements contained within this contract, then this Agreement will have been executed as shown by the signatures of both parties below.

BY: ______________________


BY: ______________________



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