The People's Republic of The United Provinces of CanadaMerica Commonwealth Union
Quick Fact Reference Sheet
Our National Anthem:
Oh say can you get up
After I beat you to the ground
Because I am just that awesome
So you better kneel to me
Oh say can you burn
After I light you on fire
And decorate you with
Flammable bug spray
Oh say can you
Be any crappier?
Get lost
Go away
Our National Pledge:
I pledge allegiance, to myself
For myself
and I
And to the republic, for which it revolves around, aka me
One nation, under me, indivisible, with peanut butter and jelly for all
Our Motto:
"Swords are cooler than guns. Bringin' it old school"
Our Mascot:
James Lam
Our Flag:

Our National Sports:
1. Whichever one EA hasn't made yet.
2. Faggot Hunting with Elmer Fuck.
3. Owning noobs
Our National Pride:
Being pro.
Official Language:
Governmental System:
Tribal. Also pro.
Ethnic Groups:
Quick Fact Reference Sheet
Our National Anthem:
Oh say can you get up
After I beat you to the ground
Because I am just that awesome
So you better kneel to me
Oh say can you burn
After I light you on fire
And decorate you with
Flammable bug spray
Oh say can you
Be any crappier?
Get lost
Go away
Our National Pledge:
I pledge allegiance, to myself
For myself
and I
And to the republic, for which it revolves around, aka me
One nation, under me, indivisible, with peanut butter and jelly for all
Our Motto:
"Swords are cooler than guns. Bringin' it old school"
Our Mascot:
James Lam
Our Flag:

Our National Sports:
1. Whichever one EA hasn't made yet.
2. Faggot Hunting with Elmer Fuck.
3. Owning noobs
Our National Pride:
Being pro.
Official Language:
Governmental System:
Tribal. Also pro.
Ethnic Groups:
Professionals, Specialists, Amazing People, Talented People, People that don't work for EA.
Today. Tomorrow. And the day after.
Anywhere and everywhere. We may even be right behind you. Or we might just be in your head. Oh SHNAPZ.
Currently pending.
XBOX Achievements.
Drives on the:
Today. Tomorrow. And the day after.
Anywhere and everywhere. We may even be right behind you. Or we might just be in your head. Oh SHNAPZ.
Currently pending.
XBOX Achievements.
Drives on the:
Military Strength:
Mind-blowing. We've got Sam Fisher as our undercover agent, Master Chief as our Chief Field Officer. Dante is our Special Response Team. Gandalf spearheads our Magic Department, which we use to summon Balrogs and Bahamuts. Plus we've got the Jim Raynor avatar, which wins us the battle by just placing it on the battlefield. Our Army is composed of the best of the best from Battlefield, Counterstrike, Team Fortress, Ghost Recon, Rainbox Six, and better AI than Halo 3 will ever have.
Forgeign Relations:
EA - Bad. They want to shut us down.
Other Information coming soon.
Mind-blowing. We've got Sam Fisher as our undercover agent, Master Chief as our Chief Field Officer. Dante is our Special Response Team. Gandalf spearheads our Magic Department, which we use to summon Balrogs and Bahamuts. Plus we've got the Jim Raynor avatar, which wins us the battle by just placing it on the battlefield. Our Army is composed of the best of the best from Battlefield, Counterstrike, Team Fortress, Ghost Recon, Rainbox Six, and better AI than Halo 3 will ever have.
Forgeign Relations:
EA - Bad. They want to shut us down.
Other Information coming soon.
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