aka the Make A Sentence Out Of A Word Game
Currently available for the following platforms:
MSN Instant Messenger
Minimum Requirements:
A Computer
A Keyboard
An Internet
No Life
Recommended Requirements:
2.4+ GHZ Dual Core Processor
2 GBytes of System RAM
NVIDIA 7800GTX+ or ATI x1300+ Video Card
8 GB of Free Hard Drive Space
Brain and Creativity suggested but not required.
One loser messages the other loser.
Idiot A: "Hey loser"
Idiot B: "Luke owned some educated retards."
The gist of this game is to make a sentence, where each word begins with the letters of the last word of the opponent's sentence. It's quite straightforward, unless you ignored the suggestions of having a brain and some creativity, no life, and a lot of time.
Use each letter, make a word. Doesn't have to make sense.
Idiot A: "Hey faggot."
Idiot B: "Fudge animal green goat our tables"
Use each letter, make a word. Sentence needs to make grammatical sense. However, "compound words" are allowed, such as "coffee mug" or "a lot". Those would count for a "c" or an "a", respectively. Slang is permitted.
Idiot A: "Hey faggot."
Idiot B: "Freedom affects gays, gigolos, or tree huggers.
Use each letter, make a word. Sentence needs to make grammatical and logical sense. "Compound words" and slang still permitted.
Idiot A: "Hey faggot."
Idiot B: "Flamingos are getting gangsta over time.
Use each letter, make a word. Sentence needs to make grammatical and logical sense. "Compound words" and slang are now prohibited.
Idiot A: "Hey faggot."
Idiot B: "Flamingos are getting greedier over time."
Use each letter, make a word. Sentence needs to make grammatical and logical sense. "Compound words" and slang prohibited. Needs to follow a preset theme, determined at the beginning of the round by rock paper scissors.
Use each letter, make a word. Sentence needs to make grammatical and logical sense. "Compound words" and slang prohibited. Proper nouns, names, etc. now prohibited. Needs to follow a preset theme. Needs to have a minimum of 3 points. Needs to incorporate a minimum of 3 special rules, decided at beginning of round.
Suggested players: 2-5.
Play modes:
Elimination - This method of play is turn based. Per each circulation, whoever has the least amount of points is eliminated for the next circulation. This continues until a winner is decided.
King of the Hill - This method of play is turn based. Per each circulation, the scoreboard leader is permitted to choose an additional handicap rule. The set of handicap rules must begin at none during the start, and add up as the circulations continue. To win in this mode, stay score leader for a certain number of rounds, agreed upon by the group.
Deathmatch Turn - This method of play is turn based, but unlimited. The goal of this mode is to stump the next player. Deathmatch involves a minimum sentence score, which is agreed upon by the group. If the next player passes, cannot come up with a sentence required by the difficulty, or does not meet the score minimum, he or she is "killed".
Deathmatch Free - This method of play is challenge based. Follows the same "kill" requirements as Deathmatch Turn, however in this mode, you may select the player you want to knock out.
Normal - Play a certain amount of circulations. At the end of the round, the player with the most points is declared the winner.
Misc. Play Rules:
Last word of each sentence must exceed 4 characters.
Play nice.
At difficulties other than Legendary, the usage of special rules is optional but not mandatory, as well as their application. However, per each sentence, if a special rule is utilized, bonus points are rewarded. The amount of special rules, and which ones, must be decided at the beginning of the round.
Rhyming - Rhyming points are distributed by how many words are rhymed in a row minus 1. For instance, if I rhymed three words in a row, I would earn two points.
Using a word with 8 or more distinct letters earns an additional point for every letter over 8. For instance, the word "keyboard" would yield 1 point. Speakerphone would yield 3 points, because it has 10 distinct letters.
Passive tense deducts 1 point.
A lack of subject verb agreement deducts one point.
(Applicable to Intermediate and Higher) Conjunction words deduct 1 point.
Keeping words under: If every word is under 6 characters long, award 1 point.
Staying over the bar: If every word is over 9 characters long, award 1 point.
Repeats: Follow the same grammatical style, idea, or sentence structure for each following sentence after the inital one yields 1 point, 3 points, 5 points, and so on.
A diss is 1 point.
An oxymoron is 1 point.
Paradox statements deduct 1 point.
Matching syllables: Minimum three words in a row. Starting from four words in a row and more, 1 point is awarded for each word that has the same number of syllables as the last. A multiplier is also applied for the number of syllable. For example, "Last night was lame" is 1 point. However, "Little nephew wounded llamas" would award 2 points, because 2 syllable words were used.
Handicap&Item Rules:
Skip and gain (Item) - The holder of this item is allowed to skip and gain the "minimum" sentence points.
Special Rules:
Word Max - Each word cannot exceed 10 characters.
Word Min - Each word cannot have less than 5 characters.
Time attack - The contender must answer within a certain limited amount of time.
The WTF Game Version 0.9 (C) Fook You @
This is serious business.
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