Apparently had I thought of this sooner, it would have made these posts of poems so much more witty.
Valentine's Day is 13 letters. Perfect for the countdown. If somehow I sneaked the first letter into each title...or did SOMETHING with it, at the very least, it would've been 1000 times cooler. Unfortunately I didn't, but maybe I'll keep it in mind for next year if I'm still alive past this Valentine's Day.
Anyways, to thank my roommate for his astute observation, I will write a poem about his current obsession. Short story even shorter, he walked into Shoppers on the way home and bought 2 packs of "Make it yourself" Jell-o. Therefore today's theme is:
...Does Jell-o ever freeze or melt? I've seen it placed in a REALLY cold freezer, and it's still...Jello...
Same with melting. I've seen it placed under those really powerful lamps that are supposed to keep things HOT. But I've never seen it melt.
I've come to the conclusion that JELLO IS ETERNAL.
Jello, a snack of epicness
No virtuoso dare contest this
Never melt and never freeze
Jello remains to be eternally seen
Guess what is also eternal?
My love for you which is infernal
Burning with red fervor within
Like strawberry flavored gelatin
Jello represents above all else
The bubbly emotions in one's self
So every day keep in mind
That as you eat your dessert
There is someone that hurts
Because they think about you all the time
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