Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Know I Don’t Know You...Yet. But I Still Want You So bad.

I Know I Don’t Know You...Yet. But I Still Want You So bad.

Ever wonder what your chances are in love? Here’s the mathematical interpretation rather than trusting the ads on your porno website.


-There are 6.5 billion people on the planet

-There is approximately 150 million square kilometres of surface area (Excluding bodies of water)

Then we have approximately 43.3 ppl/km2

By the 6 degrees of separation, the 43 people can be divided up as.

1 + 6 + 62 = 43

(Convenient, no?)

Where 1 is yourself, 6 is the “primary echelon” of people immediate to you, and 62 is the second echelon of acquaintances. In simple terms, you have you, people you know, and people that your people know.

Now Assume the following conditions:

-You are male

-You aren’t gay. Which therefore implies that you don’t have a skewered percentage of acquaintances of the same gender.

-You aren’t emo nor anti-social

-50% of the population is female, so therefore implying (hopefully) that 50% of your acquaintances are female

-All above conditions apply to the remaining people with the exception of the first condition.

Then we have a chart in which:

One male knows

-3 males

-3 females

And each of those 6 people know the same ratio and number of people

Thus you have 3 immediate female acquaintances, and 18 indirect female acquaintances.

Once again in simple terms, you know 3 girls, and potentially know 18 others.

And keep in mind we are sampling 1 square kilometre of approximately 43.3 persons.

Now by Zodiac signs (12) and Celestial Symbols (12), you are compatible with one-sixth of each chart. So the chances of you being absolutely compatible is 1 out of 36. The chances of being compatible with one of the 21 females is then 21/36 = 58.3%.

Now let the chance of you being introduced to the 18 other girls as 18/43 = 41.9%

So now we can implement Bayes’ Theorem to find the probability of YOU liking ONE girl.

Bayes’ law states

P(A|B) = P(B|A) x P(A) / P(B)

Refer to Wikipedia for a more detailed explanation of the terms.

So let A = Liking and B = Being introduced

We must also take the sufficiently dominant 16 possible personality traits as defined by the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and find that approximately 1/10 people will be of the “pimpin’ playa” type.

So we gain our last value of the chance of you being introduced to someone you like as 3/10 or 30%.

So now we take the equation and plug in our values:

58.3% = 30% x P(A) / 41.9%

After we solve we find that the chance of liking an individual in the sample size of 21 is approximately 81.4%. (Quite high)

So the chance that you are insured to harbour affection for a female individual must be 21/81.4% which is approximately 25.7. But since the value of a female always rounds down because 0.7 of a girl is just unthinkable, we shall round that number down to 25.

Therefore a sample size of 25 females will insure you like at least one of them.

To achieve that sample size we must re-consider our population density to be 43 x 25 / 21. About 51 ppl/km2.

Now a person’s average lifespan is found to be 80 years, assuming wellbeing of health and surroundings.

Statistics display that that a person may stay in one place for on average 6 years. Which results in approximately 13 locations.

Simple arithmetic yields 21 x 13 = 273. So in one’s lifetime a person should get to know about 273 women.

However, regressive factors such as age and various others will substantially reduce this number. For every 10 years and location, the acquaintances will degrade from the maximum of 21 to 1 from age 0 to age 80.

This produces several phases and intermediates. By calculation, we find this number to be 19. So now we have that, by arithmetic sum, we find that our life’s sample size is decreased from 273 to 209.

Therefore, we now have a solution in which for a standard lifetime in which you get to know and be acquainted with 209 females, you will like and have a chance with 209/25, or 8.36 of them.

We will keep this answer to 3 significant figures to simulate error and probability and will avoid rounding down.

Disclaimer: This will only apply under standard general conditions. This estimate may or may not apply to your life. You may be better off, or you might just be doomed for life. Additionally, the phrasing of “liking and having a chance with” does not imply that it has a 100% chance of success. Rather, the phrasing means that if you feel that you’ve passed up so many chances already, just give up.

Author’s Note: Free E-cookie if you guess the title’s song reference.


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